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Posted 2 days ago

My 3.5-year-old son has always been a strong-willed child. About 6 months ago, we started using your discipline methods which have been great. Before that, we relied heavily on spanking but it...

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Four yr olds can benefit from the ticket system

Posted 3 days ago

We are using the ticket system. Should my 4 yr old lose all 5 tickets before lunch time, is it reasonable to confine said 4-yr old to his room for the remainder of the day with the exception of...

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Look Out Boss, Here Comes the Baby!

Posted 4 days ago

I have a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. My daughter, like many first-borns, tends to be bossy and often takes on a "little mama" role, frequently telling her brother what to do and what...

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Posted 5 days ago

Hi My question relates to chores and tasks and how to handle matters when they are not completed. We have x3 kids (8, 7, 5) who each have 3 chores each to do daily. Regarding chores; many...

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Posted 5 days ago

Our soon-to-be 4yo son has been taking a swim lesson once a week at a local swim school for 7 months. He is sometimes nervous in new situations, but showed no hesitancy about his first lesson and...

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Posted 1 week ago

I watched the 7 part video series and I’m wondering what to do if the child is still not complying after you follow those steps. Say I tell my 6 year old to get out of the trampoline and she says...

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Nap-Time Struggles

Posted 1 week ago

We are struggling with nap-time. My 3 yr girl and 2 yr boy always take a nap in the afternoon. If they are at their grandparents’s house and are in separate rooms they go to sleep quickly. But if...

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Look Out Boss, Here Comes the Baby!

Posted 1 week ago

I have a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. My daughter is the typical first child who is bossy, little mama and directs her brother frequently on what to do, not to do etc. She’s a...

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4YO's Behavior Wreaking Havoc

Posted 1 week ago

Our 4yr old son went from a local daycare where the children were allowed to run wild and is now in a private Montessori school. He will not respond to redirection, ignores instructions & lashes...

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Carry On!

Posted 2 weeks ago

We have six kids ranging from 15-5. The oldest is a girl and the last 5 are boys. We are also homeschooling, so we are together ALL the time. It's hard for me to discipline her because I DON'T...

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Time to Put a Stop to 9 YO Whiner

Posted 2 weeks ago

Hello, my 9 year old son tends to whine a lot. Asking him to grab something for me has him stomping, fussing and dragging his feet. When asking him to come review his schoolwork or play a game...

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Posted 2 weeks ago

Our 9 yrs old son was diagnosed a few years ago with ADHD. Mainly challenge to focus and lots of energy. We've read John's book, The Diseasing of America's Children, and have implemented many...

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Demanding Eye Contact from a Toddler - Yes? No?

Posted 2 weeks ago

I’m currently reading the well behaved child. My son turns 3 in October. It says not to micromanage and say “look at me when I’m talking to you” but I would like my children to look at someone in...

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Potty Gate question

Posted 2 weeks ago

My daughter is 19 months. On august 1st we started potty training. I can count on one hand the amount of times she has gone on the potty. She is able to understand commands. When we ask her where...

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Building a parenting framework

Posted 2 weeks ago

I have a 19 month old daughter and a 35 month old son. I’m currently reading the well behaved child and reading the sibling rivalry part however it says 3.5 years and up for the tickets. My son...

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B.O. & B.O.!

Posted 2 weeks ago

Hi, a common thread here with my questions but thought I'd ask the experts. My 5 year old grandson is still sleeping in his parents bed. I said something and I think they all realize it has to...

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Is Age 8 Too Young to Do Homework Independently?

Posted 3 weeks ago

Hello. We have a just-turned 8 year old son who gets easily distracted. We have met with his teachers to rule out ADHD. My simple question is this: is 8 years old too young to hold them to a...

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Posted 3 weeks ago

Adopted a girl out of foster care, two years ago. We did a garden-kick recently for a legion of problems. She is 7.5 YO and is well-fed in the daytime. She sneaks food at night. Last night she...

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Posted 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your reply. I actually sent both parents a description of sociopathy after the thefts and asked that they send her to counseling. My husband agreed but his ex emphatically disagreed...

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Posted 3 weeks ago

My son is 27 months. We’ve been potty training since 19 months. He’s struggling with still pooping his underwear a lot. He poops very frequently so it’s not uncommon for me to wash out 4-6 pairs...

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Address the parenting issue first.

Posted 3 weeks ago

My 14 yr old dtr is in rebellion. She displays good manners. But when she does not get her way she throws a tantrum and spews false accusations against her dad and I. Her IQ was eval'd at an...

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A New Beginning!

Posted 3 weeks ago

My daughter is 8 (only child) and we have come to realize we have created a child centered household. We want to start changing our parenting and realize some obstinance may come with this new...

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Should 8YO Be Allowed to Quit Soccer?

Posted 3 weeks ago

My 8 year old daughter wanted to sign up for her fourth year of soccer so we did so. After a handful of practices and a game she wants to quit. She says she hates everything about it and hates...

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Taming the Terrible Twos

Posted 3 weeks ago

Our 2 yr son is very disrespectful and has a fiery temper. He loves to hit and say “no” whenever we cross his will or sometimes even when he thinks trouble is coming. The rebellious, defiant...

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Posted 3 weeks ago

My 3 yr daughter and 2 yr son can be very emotional at times, especially my daughter. Sometimes she has melt downs over the silliest things. For example, I tuck her in for the night but I use the...

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Posted 3 weeks ago

How can you tell the difference between normal teen rebellion and other personality disorders?

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5 YO's Low Tolerance for Frustration is Frustrating Mom

Posted 3 weeks ago

Our 5 year old son has little control over his emotions. A year ago it was mainly struggling with perfectionism and crying about not doing something the “right” way, lately it’s a big outburst...

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Posted 4 weeks ago

I need advise about a situation I am dealing with with my almost 15 yo stepdaughter. She has been exhibiting very bad behavior over the last 1-2 years including lying, stealing, sneaking out,...

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Posted 4 weeks ago

We're about to start using the "tickets" system with our twin 3.5 year old girls and 5.5 year old boy, mainly targeting refusal to obey commands and talking back. My question is: if a child...

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Be a Confident Leader

Posted 4 weeks ago

When using the tickets system with children (3-6 years old), how long should you give them to obey an instruction before a ticket is taken? Should you give them a minute or so grace period after...

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Teaching Respect

Posted 4 weeks ago

My child lost all her tickets yesterday and then spent the remainder of the day in her room. I removed all the toys but I did leave several books. Today I found out that she had ripped the front...

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Mom Concerned About Neighborhood Playtime Discord

Posted 4 weeks ago

I have four children in elementary school. They play with a neighborhood boy that is a few years older—so the neighbor boy is the oldest. I don’t get involved with their play, but I do...

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10 & 12 year old brothers, "highly sensitive" and "strong willed"

Posted on 8/17/2024

I am on board with all the traditional discipline "like grandma did it." We have 5 children ranging in age now 24 down to 10. The 10-year-old son has all the signs of being what I understand to be...

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Enter the Doctor

Posted on 8/15/2024

I have a 4-year-old who has been having sleeping problems which started about 4 months ago, out of the blue. He had been a good sleeper prior. He decided he was scared at night and didn't want to...

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Posted on 8/9/2024

My 33 month granddaughter pees on the toilet, and has few accidents. Either informs us she has to go or it happens when told every few hours that it’s time. Pooping is another story. She hides...

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Grandparent views

Posted on 7/31/2024

HI, new 1 year old grandson. My daughter in law is very anxious in general, germophobia but a nice person. My question is - she holds the kid or my son or if I'm there basically a requirement if...

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Posted on 7/29/2024

I am a single mother since 3 years. His father did not visit our soon to be 10 year old after the separation. Our son started to become aggressive and disrespectful towards me. I arranged the...

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Change starts with me.

Posted on 7/29/2024

Hi, What do I need to change /action I need to take in myself when my 16 year old daughter blatantly isolates to her room from me when I'm home does not make me explode in frustration? She...

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14 yro in full blow rebellion

Posted on 7/27/2024

Our 14 yr daughter is completely out of control. We started seeing warning signs a couple years ago. She's been grounded in some form or fashion for at least 6 months of each of the last 2 years....

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Posted on 7/24/2024

My twins are 7yo b/g and when they aren't bickering with each other, they're making the rest of family life miserable by attempting to boss their 12yo sister sister around, or us, or otherwise...

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How to Stop Being a Micromanager

Posted on 7/23/2024

Hi! So I’ve been perusing old questions and answers in your forum, and I’m coming to the distinct impression that I, myself, am a micromanager. Therefore, my first question is, it appears from...

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Posted on 7/15/2024

Our 7-year-old son is home for summer with our 2-year-old and 2-month-old. I've noticed him acting manipulative and greedy. For example, when the two-year-old gets up from his nap he will tell him...

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Posted on 7/15/2024

We have 3 boys, ages 7, 2 and 2 months. Our 7-year-old son has shown patterns of lying and gaslighting. It's very concerning. For example, he was reluctantly reading out loud at bedtime while his...

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Posted on 7/15/2024

We have a 7, 2 and 2 month old. All boys. Sometimes my 7 year old likes to shake his butt (or front side) in our 2 year olds' face. Usually while changing or rough housing. The boys share a room...

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Troublemaking Siblings

Posted on 7/12/2024

Our two youngest children, when together, are troublemakers. They are 6 and 7, but when they are together they revert to large babies—don’t do their chores, lay around, giggle, tickling,...

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Toddler guidance and independence

Posted on 7/11/2024

We recently found out that Baby #3 is on the way. We are trying to conquer the terrible twos with our son and conquer some issues with our 3 yr daughter. She has had a sneaky, disrespectful...

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Leadership is an antidote for emotionality

Posted on 7/11/2024

Our daughter, whom we have asked about before, is lying more often about small & big things, however we have noticed she pulls away from us and will hardly talk to us or open up. Whenever we...

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When Phases and a New Baby Coming Collide

Posted on 7/9/2024

Hi, we transitioned my son to a full bed because he began climbing out of his crib, and it was becoming unsafe. He has always been a great independent sleeper. However, now he requires either me...

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Taking a different path to change.

Posted on 7/8/2024

Asking for my sister-in-law: She took in our orphaned niece when she was 6, she is now 13. Niece was neglected and abused, just like her troubled mom who was adopted by my in-law’s as a teen....

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Showing results 1-50 on page 1 of 132.