Parents are the star of the show


5 year old daughter habitually lies. Doesn’t take care of the things she owns. We have taken away everything in her room to give it back when we’ve seen progress. Shows no respect to older brother. Complains when we ask her to do things. Doesn’t seem to do well when she has idle time- in the idleness she gets into more trouble. Struggles to make friends and is always complaining others don’t want to play with her. Continues to talk out of turn in school. How can we discipline and direct her on a day-to-day basis? Nip lying and deceptive behavior in the bud? When not in school, what can I do with her when I need to give attention to other family members? (School hours 8:30-12:30). No sports. We spank. Take away privileges. Send to room. We don’t buy toys or watch excess TV. The discipline doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Thank you.

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