Carry On!


We have six kids ranging from 15-5. The oldest is a girl and the last 5 are boys. We are also homeschooling, so we are together ALL the time. It's hard for me to discipline her because I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. She doesn't have a phone or her own TV. She's got my old laptop which she uses for school and when I take it (because of internet) she's mad, then is "nice and cooperative," until she gets it back. She's a bully to the boys (of course, they taunt her too) and I'm at a loss. I had this idea, that if you "love God, encourage them to obey and give lots of love," then everything will work out. But I've tried everything. She doesn't even want to leave the house much less go to a wonderful church youth group at my friend's church down the road. She just wants "her computer" in her room with door locked. Where do I start?

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