Address the parenting issue first.


My 14 yr old dtr is in rebellion. She displays good manners. But when she does not get her way she throws a tantrum and spews false accusations against her dad and I. Her IQ was eval'd at an early age and it was near genius which has presented its own set of challenges. An idle mind is the devil's playground as they say. Her emotions have always been extreme. She's not an angry person but very quick to cry or become frustrated, sad, and now in the teen yrs depressed or anxious. She has shown high risk and impulsive behavior. Her moods can shift rapidly. When she shares her day it can feel unauthentic or showy. I'm very reluctant to seek out someone that will put a psyc label on her that she may outgrow. So how do I know when its normal teen behavior or something that may require professional diagnosis? We moved her to a private school Aug 13th and we are still trying to get through 1 wk without an infraction of the house rules. She has been on a war path for 8 weeks now.

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