Change starts with me.



What do I need to change /action I need to take in myself when my 16 year old daughter blatantly isolates to her room from me when I'm home does not make me explode in frustration? She eats supper and then immediately runs to her room when she is done. She told me that she does not know how she can deal with me for a whole week when her and I go on vacation. NOTE: Her mother 44 yrs. old passed away unexpectedly back in March. She does have a previous relationship friend of mine that has taken the roll of a "step-mom" that she talks too. The "step mom" has 2 girls ages 17 and 15 that previously lived with me that may have turned her against me as I have expectations on how kids behave at home. I provide her everything she needs, we go on vacations, take her to amusement parks, etc... Should I immediately stop making her life comfortable? I think she would double-down on her treatment of me as she gets feedback from the 17 year that played the victim when she lived here.

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