Taking a different path to change.


Asking for my sister-in-law:
She took in our orphaned niece when she was 6, she is now 13. Niece was neglected and abused, just like her troubled mom who was adopted by my in-law’s as a teen. Niece (let’s call her S) hits and pushes little kids (tried to shove my three-year-olds down the stairs while they walked with her), lies like crazy, won’t do any personal hygiene, tries to get Dad of that house’s attention by walking from the bathroom to bedroom in her underwear, doesn’t do basically any school work, doesn’t do her chores like the rest of the kids in the house, etc. My poor sis-in-law wavers between caring so much and giving her no leeway, including making her pay for her own fillings at the dentist…to just trying to keep her alive and letting her go on her way when she’s 18. S is running the family ragged. Help!

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