John's Articles

Youth Sports Drive Adults Crazy

Posted on 6/6/2023

My family moved to Westchester, Illinois, in 1956, where I began fourth grade at High Ridge School. At the time, my athletic skills consisted of catching and throwing a baseball. The kids in my...

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Why Hanna Sleeps With Us

Posted on 5/9/2023

My wife, Willie (nee Wilma), and I are the happy caretakers of a happy seventeen-month-old pure white toy schnauzer, Hanna. Hanna occupies the center of our attention. If you spent a day in our...

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Grandparents, Hold Onto Your Hats

Posted on 3/7/2023

Our Question of the Week is, “Pray tell, what is ‘outdated’ about obedience, respect, proper manners, and humility?” Said QOTW is prompted by numerous grandparents who have...

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Commonsense Knows the Truth About Self Esteem

Posted on 1/24/2023

A fellow psychologist says I paint with too broad a brush concerning the devastating effect mental health professional advice has had on children. He claims that some of the changes in parenting...

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Moving From ‘Gentle Parenting’ to ‘Insistent Parenting’

Posted on 12/7/2021

My previous column concerned so-called “gentle parenting,” which is naught but a retreading of the parenting propaganda that has gushed relentlessly from the mental health professional community...

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Mindful Parenting Is Nothing More Than Postmodern Psychobabble

Posted on 12/24/2019

I am often asked how long I intend to keep this up, as in writing this column, writing books, and speaking on childrearing and family matters. My answer: As long as they keep it up; “it” being the...

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On Attachment Parenting

Posted on 3/19/2019

“So, what do you think of attachment parenting? My inquisitor was a 30-something mom. I sensed she was testing me, trying to determine whether I was worth her time. “Not...

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Love Is Necessary to the Proper Discipline of a Child

Posted on 1/24/2018

In Raleigh, North Carolina, on the backside of the Department of Education building is a structure known as the Education Wall. Completed in 1992, the EW was conceived and created by artist Vernon...

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Children Have the Right to a Steady Balance of Love and Leadership

Posted on 2/17/2016

“Do children have any rights?” is the question of the week, submitted by a 30-something reader. Yes, children have rights. First and foremost, there is their right to be loved...

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In the Good Old Days...

Posted on 11/3/2015

In the 1960s, as part of an overall, culture-wide paradigm shift, a sea-change took place concerning our collective understandings concerning the rearing of children. The two fundamental questions...

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5 Tips for Teaching Your Child Humility

Posted on 10/6/2015

A mother who attended a recent presentation during which I described the differences between high self-esteem and humility writes asking “What should my husband and I be doing to help our children...

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Staying on the Same Page

Posted on 5/27/2014

“How can my spouse and I get on the same page where the kids are concerned?” is both the most difficult question parents ask me and also the most important. It is the most difficult because each...

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Adult Leadership, Not Wonderful Relationship

Posted on 9/20/2011

Browsing a gift shop the other day, I happened on a decorative plaque on which was inscribed a quote attributed to the late "power of positive thinking" guru Norman Vincent Peale: "Change your...

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Mom Disciplines 15-Year-Old Daughter, But Ex Does Not Follow Through

Posted on 10/13/2009

MOM DISCIPLINES DAUGHTER, THEN DIVORCED DAD IGNORES IT Q. My 15-year-old daughter's grades have dropped this year, and I have taken away most of her privileges. But she spends a few nights a...

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Are All Teens Crazy?

Posted on 2/27/2007

Are teenagers basically nuts? Michael J. Bradley thinks so. An educational psychologist and therapist, Bradley's the author of "Yes, Your Teen is Crazy! Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind."...

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Toddler/Preschool Classes

Posted on 1/9/2007

ALL THOSE CLASSES FOR TOTS WON'T TEACH WHAT REALLY MATTERS Q: In my hometown, various enrichment programs for children under 3 are proliferating. A 2-year-old can take ballet, music, yoga, or...

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If You Respect a Child, then You Expect a Lot of the Child

Posted on 6/24/2003

MISBEHAVIOR BY STUBBORN CHILDREN REQUIRES STUBBORN LOVE AND DISCIPLINE The following are some things I've been thinking about lately. I thought perhaps you might want to think about them, too....

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Research About High Self-Esteem

Posted on 12/4/2001

UNMERITED PRAISE DOESN'T HELP KIDS A few months back, in this column, I referred to an extensive study of self-esteem conducted by professor Roy Baumeister (et. al.) of Case Western Reserve...

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People with High Self-Esteem Tend to be More Agressive

Posted on 4/17/2001

UNEARNED SELF ESTEEM SENDS KIDS CAREENING OUT OF CONTROL Who had higher self esteem: Mahatma Ghandi or Adolf Hitler? Columbine High School's 1999 valedictorian or the two CHS students who,...

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High Self-Esteem is a Problem

Posted on 6/20/2000

CHILD'S SELF-ESTEEM OVERRATED - AND CAN END UP DANGEROUS I believe in low self-esteem. Once upon a not-so-long-ago time, low self-esteem was known as humility and modesty. I believe in those...

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No One is Special: Do Somthing Special for Somone Instead

Posted on 9/28/1999

KIDS AREN'T SPECIAL, BUT ACTIONS ARE I was at an Alabama elementary school when I saw a banner above a mirror on which was printed, in 10-inch letters, "You are now looking at one of the most...

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It is Okay to Hurt Child's Feelings

Posted on 11/7/1996

SOMETIMES, KIDS SHOULD FEEL BAD CHILD MUST EXPERIENCE A SENSE OF REMORSE TO DEVELOP CONSCIENCE Before mental health professionals built the Tower of Parent- Babble, when common sense ruled...

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