4 year old tantrums--part 2


Back in November , I discussed with John my very difficult, obstinate four year old daughter. I realize your staff may answer this question, but I was ready to kick her out of the garden, but decided I would continue charts until after the holidays due to the excitement and chaos, but then magically in Jan, I started her in a three hour a day Montessori program and thought that she was demonstrating some maturity finally possibly related to having some space from mom. The last three weeks however I have had a return of multiple bad behaviors including hitting, defiance, screaming, interrupting and attention seeking, just like the little four year old girl in your book, Georgia. I have always immediately sent her to her room when she tries to hit, intercepting as you have indicated and telling her she is not going to get her way. I planned to target just the hitting behavior initially but am overwhelmed by her multiple behaviors. I understand that correcting one may help others. You mentioned kicking her out of the garden last time and using charts as well. Just for clarification, should I really focus on just the hitting for now, or continue with an additional chart for some of the other difficult behaviors? If I put too many things on the kicked out of the garden chart, will this be an impossible task for such a strong willed child? Also, I will add that I have had no negative preschool reports yet. The teachers indicate she is doing well. Thanks for your understanding.

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