ABC's of Homework Requires Stay the Course


We have been implementing the ABC's of homework for about 5 weeks now. There were four weeks before report cards came out and when report cards came out, her grades had slipped. Now we have taken everything from her room and she is confined to her room when she is at her house, except for dinner and chores, for 4 weeks until mid term reports come out. I guess it's important to say that she doesn't get many consequences at her mom's house. It has been a week of that and she is still not doing what is expected. She doesn't do her nightly reading, she does not have us sign her agenda, and she is not completing her homework (we know because we can look it up online, although we don't say anything to her about it, and she doesn't know that we look at it). Her grades are worse now then they have ever been! Are we doing something wrong or should be stay the course?

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